Since there are no official statistics on average real estate price levels I had some fun and based on offer prices from popular and leading online property portals I managed to assemble this information. I sincerely hope it will be useful for you in navigating the real estate market picture in Plovdiv. I have divided the average prices by the most popular neighborhoods and by the types of apartments that I think are most in demand. Here are the results:
Quarterly | One bedroom | Three bedroom | Multiroom |
Insurgent | 1106 | 1036 | 1010 |
Kamenica 1 | 1686 | 1702 | 1658 |
Kamenica 2 | 1658 | 1371 | 1406 |
The Mole | 1262 | 1259 | 1344 |
Kyuchuk Paris | 1167 | 1106 | 1114 |
Marasha | 1685 | 1734 | 1407 |
Ostromila | 1045 | 1002 | 1003 |
West | 1161 | 1149 | 1245 |
Thrace | 1271 | 1246 | 1161 |
Hristo Smirnenski | 1103 | 1161 | 1084 |
Judging | 1438 | 1156 | 1193 |
Centre | 1647 | 1597 | 1578 |
Prices are in euros per square meter.
The average prices in the Kamenitsa 1 district are very close, even in many cases surpassing the prices in the Centre district. Also impressive are the lower prices in the similarly located Sudiski district, but there are several quite serious investment projects under development there, which are keeping prices down.
The many competing sites in the Hristo Smirnenski district continues to keep property prices there close and below average. The Marasha district, due to its small area and high interest, continues to be among the readers.
There are still enough offers on the market, according to statistics from another information site on the market in Plovdiv there are currently about 12 000 active offers. With an average of about 16,000 deals per year for the city, the current amount of offers would be fulfilled in a year, as the total number of deals also includes land, partitions and other types of deals.
Compared to the average income of the population in Plovdiv, the average resident can afford about 1 square meter of real estate in the peripheral districts and approximately 0.6 square meters in the more central ones. This fact positions the city among the leaders in Europe in housing affordability.